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Why build interactive coding course?

You might be interested in the word "interactive" and what it means on codedamn. It's the future of coding education. Let's discuss a few important things around the same.

What is an interactive course?

An interactive course is a hands-on programming course. Your students learn by practicing through exercises, complete challenges within browser window that boots up a full virtual compute environment for them - managed by codedamn.

You set the problems users have to solve, we handle the infrastructure.

FeatureInteractive courses @ (codedamn)Regular courses @ (Udemy/YouTube)Winner
Hands-on Labscodedamn
Quizzes inside Labscodedamn
Exam-based coursecodedamn
I/O Testing For Userscodedamn
Better completion ratescodedamn
Better user engagementcodedamn
More revenuecodedamn
Anti-piracy (can't be downloaded)codedamn
Best instructor supportcodedamn
Headaches setting up interactive contentUdemy

How is interactive course different?

  • Students get to practice, just like in an offline bootcamp.
  • Our AI would automagically give feedback to students on their work and submission, hence helping them.
  • You get better completion rates.
  • Your course gets more popular as it stands out from video-only courses on traditional websites.
  • Practice sessions can scale to millions of developers, with one-time effort.